Many homeowners understandably crave an alternative to plain concrete or asphalt driveways.  Still, the prospect of choosing the right alternative driveway paving material can seem daunting.  Although SBI Materials offers a broad range of stone paving materials, there are a few that will be much more effective and aesthetically pleasing than others.  Here are a few of the top driveway paver choices that are available.

Cobblestone is one type of driveway paving material that is difficult to match in terms of appearance and durability.  As evidenced by cobblestone roads and paths that were built hundreds of years ago and are still preserved around the world, this type of paver is durable.  It will last even longer than brickwork, which is typically considered one of the sturdier driveway pavers available.  Cobblestone does cost more than options like concrete, but if you weigh in how much longer it lasts — the difference can be more than 50 years — it is clear that the price difference represents a smart investment.  The attractive appearance of cobblestone cannot be matched by options like concrete, either.

Travertine is another paver that can work surprisingly well for driveway paving.  SBI Materials carries Alpaca Travertine, which offers a neat appearance with its neutral color stones and clean lines.  Despite its appearance, which is far from utilitarian, Travertine can withstand the weight of cars and larger vehicles, putting it on par with choices like concrete.  As an added benefit, Travertine works well in all kinds of outdoor projects, from pathways to patios, which gives homeowners the option of creating a more integrated outdoor look. 

SBI Materials offers various other types of stone pavers that can be used in driveway paving, whether as the primary paver or as a means of providing contrast.  Many of these options are more durable than typical choices like concrete, and virtually all of them are more attractive as well.  Homeowners are welcome to visit the business website to look at more design ideas or to discover other available paving options that will make their home exterior look unforgettable.

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